Did You Know?
Homelessness, is a state in which an individual or family lacks a fixed, regular & adequate nighttime residence.
Over 50% of the children in Monroe County school districts live in a household in which inadequate income makes them eligible for free or reduced breakfast & lunch while in school. For some children, these will be the only adequate meals of the day they will receive.
It is legal for households to be evicted in the middle of winter; in sub-zero temperatures, for non-payment of rent. Whether children are in the house or not has no bearing in the process.
Water & sewer services can also be disconnected at any time of the year, for non-payment of this utility fee.
Monroe County has no shelter facility for homeless single persons or families.
Contributions are Welcomed!
Families First is a private, 501(c) 3 non-profit charitable agency that serves Monroe County residents in need of resources, referrals and information. Our agency's purpose is simply to assist residents who are less fortunate, or in emergency situations, with confidential and free services as funding allows.
Your tax deductible contributions are welcomed. Mail to:
Families First ~ P. O. Box 707
Tomah, WI 54660

Housing Choice Voucher
The Housing Choice Voucher is a federal program funded by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and administered by Monroe County Housing Authority. It lets you choose your place of residency, renting from a private landlord. Tenants will pay 30% to 40% of their adjusted gross income and HUD will pay the remaining amount to the landlord. This program serves people of all ages of very low income families, elderly & challenged. Allowances for utility costs are considered when determining rent. Some restrictions apply.
Sources of income include:
Wages & salaries
Tips & Cash income
Social Security Benefits
Federal & State SSI
Child Support & CTS (Caretaker)
Interest income from land and assets