Working Together
~ We are proud to have a strong Coulee Collaborative who are there with their resources and services as we support Monroe County residents in need ~
We are so fortunate to have great partners in the Ministerial Associations, Law Enforcement Agencies, Food Pantries, Monroe County School Districts, Landlord & Property Managers and local Utility Companies. Contact us for specific contacts with those Partners. Below are many other partners we and you can rely on for resources and services to aid in your needs.
Brighter Tomorrows seek to embrace equality & diversity in empowering individuals to create a safer personal environment within Monroe County. Through education, collaboration & encouragement of personal choice, we strives to reduce domestic violence & sexual assault in the communities we serve, advocating for a non violent society.
As a nonprofit, we use your donations and shopping purchases to fund job training and more in your community to make a life-changing impact for the people we serve. The work always come back to the people whose lives we touch and serve and is part of our mission of Elevating People by Eliminating Barriers to Employment.
Our mission is to identify and address the issues faced by veterans and low income persons who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness in our communities. We provide transitional housing, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention services and access to benefit services for veterans and their families in the state of Wisconsin.
A place for all who care for young children. Our resources prepare, strengthen, and support parents and caregivers by creating greater understanding of the impact they have on the lives of children in their care. Through such increased understanding, children will have a positive, supportive, and loving start in life.