Employment Support Services
~ Individualized services and supports that help people maintain paid employment in community businesses/settings ~
Employment Support Services & Skill Building
Families First through our Case Care Management team offers Employment Enhancement and Skill Building Programming to improve your financial condition using creative methods and local resources.
We focus on 4 areas two center on employment preparation and employment-based experience which use styles and strategies that address the “harder-to-employ” image. This may be something that you have experienced. Our goal is to help you overcome this type of barrier or challenge that has prevented you from keeping or getting employment.
The other two areas focus on skill development and income and work support. This allows us to broadly work with those of you who have experience with unstable work hours and low paying wages.
Families First Programs
Service-Focused Employment Preparation:
Targeted to the “hard-to-employ” focuses on strategies to improve your employability by addressing your special needs while also providing a combination of targeted resources (i.e., substance abuse treatment, mental health services, etc.) in combination with employment services. Our CCMs have access to comprehensive lists of providers, agencies, meeting sites and other resources to connect you to, for that additional help in getting or keeping your employment.
Employment-Based Experience:
This experience provides short-term subsidized jobs, usually with additional personal supports or wage grants. We take into consideration two approaches
Subsidized employment programs that pay for wages with employers for a specified period, using public funds. Participants work in a position where they receive a paycheck and receive a range of other supports and assistance, and
​Temporary employment programs that provide job-brokering services through temporary agencies to place individuals into temporary jobs, sometimes with additional supports such as job coaching and support services.
We work very closely with temporary employment agencies such as:
Manpower Employment Agency - https://www.mnpwr.com/ or
Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/parents/w2 that provides employment preparation services, case management and cash assistance to eligible families.
Skill Development:
Our model includes a set of strategies designed to increase your knowledge, experience and develops the skills you need to compete for a living wage job. We look at individual-based strategies, which fit your specific needs including instructional basic skills to post-secondary education along with incorporating financial aid if available.
Additionally, we explore employer-based strategies where we can place you with a company for training. There are opportunities throughout Monroe County that we hope to place you so that you can begin to receive skills training and on the job experience.
Income and Work Supports:
We broadly define income and work supports as a model that includes several approaches to help you maintain employment and make ends meet. In particular, apply three income and work support approaches:
Post-employment assistance programs to assist you in accessing publicly funded financial supports such as the earned income tax credit, child care assistance and personal supports such as career and financial counseling provided to you while you are working;
Financial incentives that encourage and improve your work through rewards; and
Asset-building strategies that help you build financial reserves to support your career goals and individual/family needs.
To learn more about our Enhancement Support Services and Skill Building call our office at (608)374-4141.